Christmas Vacation Geekery

Okay I am really getting super excited about Christmas break.  But I have to confess there are some that would say that two of the biggest reasons are pretty geeky reasons (I’ve always been a geek and proud of it so doesn’t bother me)  and these two reasons have nothing to do with Christmas which is weird b/c I love this season.

Yep Hubby and I are looking forward to going to see The Hobbit for our anniversary on Saturday the 15th.  I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I fell in love with The Hobbit when my 5th grade teacher used it as a read aloud over 20 years ago.

Now here’s the one I’m the most excited about.

I fell in love with Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables” when our marching band played excerpts from the musical and I decided I had to know the story so read the entire book in a week in my senior year of high school.  Then two years later I got to see the musical in Indianapolis with my sister and it was the most amazing thing I”ve ever seen.  The story is incredible it twists and turns and grabs your heart over and over again as the pieces all weave in and out – several of the songs give me chills every time I hear them “Bring Him Home”, “I Dreamed a Dream” “One More Day” “On My Own” and “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” .  Hubby and I have a sitter set up for the 27th already.  The only musical he has seen was “Rock of Ages” from the Redbox,  I’m not sure what he’s going to think of his first full fledged musical movie and I’m also worried that Hollywood will butcher a masterpiece – but I’m still going and I’m going to sit and soak up the story and the music and maybe if it’s good and I’m lucky I’ll splurge and I’ll sneak away one afternoon and go again and sit through it by myself and cry and feel my heart pulled out of my body and leave the theater with that sense of awe that lingers after you’ve read a book, or heard a song, or seen a movie that can completely change the way your world looks.  That’s what I’m excited about for this Christmas break.