Wrapping Up the Week

We had a great wrap up to our week. My bloodwork yesterday came back terrific. My HCG was up to 519 which meant it was up 94% in 48 hours and they like it to at least double every 72 hours. That means no more bloodwork for awhile. (Unless Dr. B wants to check my progesterone and estrogen) Our next appointment is Sept 7 in Carmel for an Ultrasound. That’s only 25 days away – right now I’m looking at it positively. My hormones are all over the place right now so sometimes 25 days seems like another lifetime. I’m relieved that the numbers look so good. Things were a little shakier with Weeman so I’m hoping that this is a good sign. I know I will worry off and on throughout this pregnancy – but I don’t want to worry as much as I did with Weeman. I am going to try to resist the urge to rent a doppler. I’m going to try not to be obsessive. I need to start researching local OBs and trying to find one. The doctor that delivered Weeman is teaching now instead of doctoring … whimper and I’ve just been going to the guy who took his place for now – but I will need an OB since I will have another c-section. Plus I don’t love the replacement – he’s just okay for now.

Last night was date night. Our sitter leaves for college in a couple of weeks. Poor WeeMan is going to be heartbroken. He loves when Heather comes over. She’s been our date night sitter since we started our once a month date nights when d was 7 or 8 months old. Big night for hubby and I. We went to Fort Wayne. Had dinner at Logans, hit the clearance at Fashion Bug to use my rebate, picked up some fish at PetSmart, and then wrapped up the evening at Menards to get a new weedwhacker and a trash can. (Hmmm when did date nights become so romantic? LOL)

We spent today browsing a few garage sales – didn’t find much – some books for weeman and a rain coat for him. Then we went to Walmart for a birthday gift and some groceries. ( I hate getting groceries there cause it always seems to cost more – but it was convenient.) After that it was home to do laundry so I could hang stuff out to dry. Then we were off to a birthday party and a quick stop at the fire station to see the trucks. Whew! It was a busy day. If they are all as packed as that the time will fly.

Here’s some pics from this week.
Playing at the park on Wednesday

MJ’s birthday party

Driving the firetruck